There are 5 key skills in emotional intelligence that you will need to discover to uncover the uniquefeelings and emotions Empathi and the marine life are feeling throughout the moments on the glass-bottomed boat trip.
1) Go to the website:Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Children ( uncover the following answers to:
1a) What are the 5 skills in interpreting emotional abilities?
1b) What are the purposes for each of the 5 skills you just listed?
Great! Before we lead you into more of the deeper ends of this emotional intelligence journey, there is just one more thing that needs to be remembered before you begin to practice your EQ skills with Empathi and the marine life.
2) Go to the website:Nurturing Neurodiversity-Affirming Social and Emotional Skills in School-Aged Children - Elizabeth Sautterto fill in the blanks forthe following questionsto:
2a) ____________ before ______________.
2b) Encourage them to _________, ____________, and _____________ individuals who share their values and exhibit kindness.
2c) _________ ____________ with them who resonate with their unique experiences and perspectives.
Sweet! Now that you're all set and familiar with ways you can gain and how to interpret emotional intelligence, now it is time to test your skills when you observe Empathi and the marine life creatures on the glass-bottomed boat! Write down your EQ analyses on your feelings journal for the following questions:
3) Empathi's feet pounded down in a hurry when she enters down the basement to where the entire room was made out of glass in observance of the beauty of marine life. She is breathing heavily as her cheeks turn red as her head felt like spinning with tears streaming across her face as her hands squeezes tight on the texture of the orange life vestshe always wears for comfort.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believe Empathi isfeeling?
4) As Empathi's feet pounded down in the floor of the glass-bottomed boat, the school of fish of many unique sizes decided to scatter out of the way as her feet stomped and decided to avoid that part of the glass-bottomed boat altogether in order to not be around the noisy vibration of that atmosphere. They begin to hide in the tiny areas of sea corals in a chance that it was a hungry sea monster attempting to attack them.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believe the school of fish are feeling?
5) After Empathi decided to listen back to the advice of her own emotional intelligence teacher, Ms. Oonnis,she decided to control her breathing by taking one big breath in, and then grab her stomach as she lets all that big air out. This technique helped her clear her mind as she can now focus on the environment around her and the beauty of the undersea life.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believeEmpathiis feeling?
6) As Empathi gets mesmerized by the undersea life, she has gotten to experience how the creatures of the sea interact with each other. One example is when a mother dolphin uses echolocation to find her lostcalf. Once the two reunited with each other, they engage in physical contact with each other through the calf getting under the mother's belly as they flap their flippers togetherin what can be seen as the human equivalent of hugging.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believethe dolphinsare feeling?
7) As Empathi was mesmerized by the undersea beauty as she looks deep in the bottom of the glass-bottomed boat, her best friend, Wyse slowly came into the glassed basement room just to check on her. His face has a jumpy frown as he gave out a little screamon all of the marine creatures,he felt were ganging up on him.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believeWyseis feeling?
8) Empathi, seeing how Wyse feels once he enters the room, decided to look away from the marine life just to give him a wide closed-mouth smile as she stood up from laying down on her stomach to walk up to Wyse to guide him deeper and deeper into the glassed basement area of the glass-bottomed boat through holding his hands and walking with him. Once the two reached to a comfortable spot, Empathi and Wyse lay on their stomachs together as they continue to hold each other's hands and stare deeply mesmerized at the deep blue sea.
Analyze: What kind of emotions do you believeEmpathi and Wyseare feeling?
BONUS) After this activity on testing your skills of emotional intelligence on the glass-bottomed boat,
What kind of emotions are YOU feeling towards this activity and story?